Capure sound in x plane 11 video recording
Capure sound in x plane 11 video recording

capure sound in x plane 11 video recording

I can't figure out yet, how to record my voice using a USB headset & microphone, specifically, the Logitech HD540. However I just tried with Vulkan 11.50 b3 and audio IS being recorded by AMD Radeon's "record my desktop" option.

capure sound in x plane 11 video recording

I knew that audio was impossible with AMD software but NVidia could do it, probably due to better OpenGL drivers. The videos you've seen with sound are made using a video/audio capture card, or an application like OBS which records and/or streams audio and video. Bonjour - I don't think the native video recorder has ever supported sound.

Capure sound in x plane 11 video recording